Things to check before purchasing your eSIM!

  • This eSIM should be installed by QR code scanning within 30 days upon purchase date. If not installed within 30 days, it will be automatically terminated (No refund).
  • If eSIM is already activated on your device, cancellation or refund is not available.
  • eSIM can be installed only one time. Do not delete your eSIM after installation on your device (New QR Code will not be provided if you delete the initial eSIM)
  • eSIM cannot be extended if you delete the eSIM from your device. You need to buy new eSIM plan and install.
  • KT eSIM does not support the personal authentication.
  • KT eSIM is only available in Korea.
  • To use this service, the country lock on your device must be turned off.
  • Please contact your current telecommunications company to make sure that the country lock is off.
  • Data Only products cannot be topped up for voice service.
  • Calls will be restricted when used for illegal spam calls.
  • Please contact +82-2-2190-0901(free everywhere at KT mobile phone, press 6 for foreign customer) or for more questions.
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Purchase Easily purchase your eSIM plan online!

Consent of Use and Provision of Private Information

[Essential] Consent of Private Information Collection and Use

Purpose Item Holding Period
User identification and confirmation of user principal Family name, given name, Passport No.Use of Period, Pick-up/Return location, Memo Up to 6 months
after service termination
Contact for service offering/Handling customer complaints Contact information
(E-mail or mobile no.)
Payment and charge for the service Credit card company name, Name of card holder, valid date, payment information
※ Children under age 14 must have approval from his or her legal representative.

[Essential] Consent of Trust Handling of Private Information

Trustee Purpose
KT DS Maintenance and management of KT eSIM system
KT IS/KT CS KT eSIM service management and operation of roaming customer center
NEXBRAIN Operation and management of KT eSIM online site
Eximbay Credit card payment and online payment
Smartro Credit card payment and online payment

Register Personal information

  • ※ Type your name in capital letter the same as in your passport

  • ※ eSIM may not be provided if your name, nationality and passport No. are not correct

  • ※ Verification number will be sent to your email above. Please type the verification No. in the email you received.

Select the eSIM plan

Check before purchasing your eSIM Notice
  • This eSIM should be installed by QR code scanning within 30 days upon purchase date. If not installed within 30 days, it will be automatically terminated (No refund).
  • If eSIM is already activated on your device, cancellation or refund is not available.
  • eSIM can be installed only one time. Do not delete your eSIM after installation on your device (New QR Code will not be provided if you delete the initial eSIM)
  • eSIM cannot be extended if you delete the eSIM from your device. You need to buy new eSIM plan and install.
  • KT eSIM does not support the personal authentication.
  • KT eSIM is only available in Korea.
  • To use this service, the country lock on your device must be turned off.
  • Please contact your current telecommunications company to make sure that the country lock is off.
  • Data Only products cannot be topped up for voice service.
  • Calls will be restricted when used for illegal spam calls.
  • Please contact +82-2-2190-0901(free everywhere at KT mobile phone, press 6 for foreign customer) or for more questions.