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System Maintenance for Service Improvement


Dear customers,
We truly appreciate you choosing KT roaming service constantly.

To provide the more stable service, we have schedule a system maintenance as below. Please understand that some of our services will not be available while the system maintenance is in the process.
We will do our best to finish it as soon as possible to minimize any inconvenience that may be caused.

■ Duration time : Nov. 28 (Thu) 2019 from 19:00 to 20:00 (Korea Standard Time)
■ Working issue : System update˙for the service quality improvement
■ Affected Service: SIM card inquiry/reservation and Prepaid SIM card inquiry/recharge/extension service online

We will continue to strive to offer you the better roaming service everyday.
Thank you.

* Roaming Department Customer Service 02-2190-0901 (24/7, No charge if from KT mobile)